Adaptive Sequencing Enrichment by Composition Model

Adaptive sampling is a method of software-controlled enrichment unique to nanopore sequencing platforms recently implemented in Oxford Nanopore’s control software. By examining the first few hundred bases of a DNA molecule as it passes through a pore, software can determine if the molecule is sufficiently interesting to sequence in its entirety. If not, the molecule is ejected from the pore by reversing the voltage across it, freeing the pore for a new molecule. User supplied sequences define the targets to be sequenced or ejected. We developed a model to predict the enrichment-by-composition based on experimental parameters, and provided this web app so that researchers can explore the potential of adaptive sequencing for their own experiments. Adjust the parameters below to see the effect it has on the model.

Paper: S Martin, D Heavens, Y Lan, S Horsfield, MD Clark, RM Leggett. Nanopore adaptive sampling: a tool for enrichment of low abundance species in metagenomic sample. bioRxiv 2021.05.07.443191 ; doi: